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The meaning of "外观用英语怎么说" is "How to say appearance in English".


Pronunciation: /əˈpɪərəns/





1. The appearance of the new car is very sleek and modern. (这辆新车的外观非常时尚和现代。)

2. She always pays attention to her appearance before going out. (她出门前总是注意自己的外表。)

3. The appearance of the building has been greatly improved after the renovation. (经过翻新后,这座建筑的外观得到了极大的改善。)

4. His rugged appearance made him stand out from the crowd. (他粗犷的外表让他在人群中脱颖而出。)

5. The magician's sudden appearance on stage surprised everyone. (魔术师突然出现在舞台上,让所有人都感到惊讶。)


1. Aspect - a particular part or feature of something, especially something that is important.

Example: The aspect of her appearance that stood out the most was her bright red hair.

2. Look - the physical appearance or expression on someone's face.

Example: She had a worried look on her face.

3. Image - the way someone or something is perceived by others.

Example: The company's image was greatly affected by the scandal.

4. Outward appearance - the way someone or something looks on the outside.

Example: The outward appearance of the house was very deceiving, as it was actually quite small inside.

5. Visage - a person's facial expression or features.

Example: His stern visage made him seem unapproachable.


In summary, "外观用英语怎么说" means "How to say appearance in English". It is a noun that refers to the external aspect or look of an object or person. Other synonyms for "外观" include aspect, look, image, outward appearance, and visage. It is important to pay attention to one's appearance as it can greatly affect how others perceive us.


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