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gè zǔ cí


A word or phrase that is formed by combining two or more existing words, often with a humorous or playful effect.


Usage: 圾组词 can be used to create new words with unique and creative meanings.

Example Sentences:

1. 我们来玩一个游戏,每个人都要创造一个圾组词,然后解释它的意思。

Let's play a game where everyone creates a garbage word and explains its meaning.

2. 这个圾组词有点难读,但是它的意思很有趣。

This junk word is a little difficult to pronounce, but its meaning is very interesting.

3. 最近流行的圾组词真的很好笑,我每天都在学习新的词汇。

The recent trend of garbage words is really funny, I learn new vocabulary every day.

4. 这个圾组词是我自己创造的,它我的名字和最喜欢的食物。

This junk word was created by me, it represents my name and favorite food.

5. 我们需要更多创造力来发明新的圾组词,让我们的语言更加丰富多彩。

We need more creativity to invent new garbage words and make our language more diverse.


1. 双关语 (shuāng guān yǔ) - pun

2. 笑话 (xiào huà) - joke

3. 新造词 (xīn zào cí) - neologism

4. 谐音词 (xié yīn cí) - homophone

5. 合成词 (hé chéng cí) - compound word

Editor's Summary:

圾组词 are a fun and creative way to expand our vocabulary and add humor to our language. With the popularity of social media, new garbage words are constantly being created and shared, making it an ever-evolving aspect of modern language. As language is constantly evolving, it is important to embrace and have fun with new words, including 圾组词.


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