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Online English dictionary and Chinese dictionary are two commonly used reference tools for language learners. An online English dictionary is a digital version of a traditional print dictionary, providing definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples of words in the English language. A Chinese dictionary, on the other hand, is a reference book that provides definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples of words in the Chinese language.


Online English dictionary: /ɒnˈlaɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈdɪkʃənri/


Chinese dictionary: /tʃaɪˈniːz ˈdɪkʃənri/


Both online English dictionaries and Chinese dictionaries can be accessed through the internet on various devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. They are useful tools for language learners to improve their vocabulary, pronunciation, and understanding of word usage.


1. I always use an online English dictionary when I come across unfamiliar words while reading.


2. The Chinese dictionary helped me understand the meaning of the characters in this ancient poem.


3. The online English dictionary provided multiple definitions for the word "run", which helped me choose the correct one for my sentence.


4. My Chinese teacher recommended a new dictionary that includes both simplified and traditional characters.


5. The online English dictionary has an audio feature that allows me to listen to the pronunciation of words I'm learning.



1. Thesaurus: A thesaurus is a reference book or website that lists words with similar or related meanings. It can be used as a tool to find synonyms and antonyms for words.

2. Dictionary App: A dictionary app is a mobile application that provides definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples of words in various languages.

3. Glossary: A glossary is a list of terms with their definitions, often found at the end of a book or document.

4. Lexicon: A lexicon is a language user's inventory of lexemes (words) in a specific language.

5. Vocabulary Builder: A vocabulary builder is a tool or resource designed to help learners expand their vocabulary.


In conclusion, online English dictionaries and Chinese dictionaries are valuable resources for language learners. They provide definitions, pronunciations, and usage examples for words in the respective languages and can be accessed easily through the internet on various devices. Other similar tools such as thesauruses, dictionary apps, glossaries, lexicons, and vocabulary builders can also aid in language learning by providing synonyms, antonyms, and other helpful information about words. As technology continues to advance, these tools will continue to evolve and improve, making language learning more accessible and efficient for all learners.


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