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Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. It is a way to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.





Recycling can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to the process of collecting and processing materials for reuse. As a verb, it means to collect and process materials for reuse.


1. We should all make an effort to recycle our waste instead of throwing it away.


2. Recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.


3. The recycling program in our city has been very successful in promoting environmental sustainability.


4. It takes less energy to recycle materials than to produce them from raw materials.


5. Many household items such as paper, plastic, and glass can be recycled.



- Reuse: to use something again for the same purpose or for a different purpose. Example: We should try to reuse old containers instead of throwing them away.

- Repurpose: to use something for a different purpose than it was originally intended. Example: The old factory was repurposed into a community center.

- Upcycle: to convert waste materials into new products of higher quality or value. Example: The artist upcycled old tires into unique pieces of furniture.


Recycling is an important practice that helps to reduce waste and protect the environment. By collecting and processing materials for reuse, we can conserve natural resources and reduce pollution. It is important for individuals and communities to make an effort to recycle in order to promote sustainability and create a cleaner, healthier planet.


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