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1. thickness是指物体或材料的厚度,也可以表示某物的厚薄程度。

2. thickness的读音为[ˈθɪknəs],读作“思克纳斯”。

3. 用例:

(1) The thickness of the paper is too thin, it's not suitable for printing.(这张纸的厚度太薄了,不适合印刷。)

(2) The thickness of the ice on the lake is about 10 centimeters.(湖上的冰厚约10厘米。)

(3) The thickness of the wall is one meter, it can withstand strong winds and earthquakes.(这堵墙的厚度为一米,可以抵御强风和地震。)

(4) The thickness of the carpet is just right, not too thick or too thin.(这块地毯的厚度刚刚好,既不太厚也不太薄。)

(5) The doctor measured the thickness of the patient's skin with a special instrument.(医生用特殊仪器测量了病人皮肤的厚度。)

4. 组词:

thickness gauge (厚度计)

thickness planer (平板式修边机)

thickness measurement (厚度测量)

thickness control (厚度)

thickness tolerance (厚度公差)

5. thickness中文翻译为“厚度”,可以与其他英文单词搭配使用,如:

- thickness gauge(厚度计)

- thickness planer(平板式修边机)

- thickness measurement(厚度测量)

- thickness control(厚度)

- thickness tolerance(厚度公差)

6. 总结:



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