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Meaning: The following English


Pronunciation: /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

Usage: Used to refer to something that comes after or follows something else.

Example Sentences:

1. The following English words are commonly confused with each other.


2. Please read the following English passage and answer the questions.


3. The following English idioms may be useful for your next presentation.


4. Can you translate the following English sentence into French?


5. The following English grammar rules are important to remember.


Synonyms and Usage:

- Subsequent: Used as a synonym for "following" in a more formal context, often in written language.

Example: Please refer to the subsequent section for more information.


- Next: Can be used interchangeably with "following" in most cases, but usually refers to something that comes immediately after.

Example: The next chapter will cover more advanced ics.


- Afterward(s): Can be used as an adverb or noun to mean "following" or "subsequent".

Example: We will discuss this matter afterward(s).


Editor's Summary:

The phrase "the following English" is commonly used to introduce something that comes after or follows something else. It can be used in various contexts, such as in written language, instructions, or conversations. Some synonyms for "following" include subsequent, next, and afterward(s). When using this phrase, it is important to pay attention to the context and choose the appropriate synonym for a more precise meaning.


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