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[kɒləʊkweɪt bʌdɪ]

Meaning: A person who practices speaking a foreign language with another person in order to improve their conversational skills.


Usage: This term is commonly used in language learning communities to refer to someone who is willing to engage in conversation with others in order to practice and improve their speaking abilities.

Example Sentences:

1. My language exchange partner and I meet once a week to practice speaking English and Spanish.


2. I found a great conversation partner online who helps me improve my French pronunciation.


3. Are you looking for a language partner? I'm happy to help you practice your Mandarin.


4. My roommate is my language buddy, we always chat in German at home.


5. Joining a language exchange program is a great way to find new conversation partners.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Conversation buddy: A synonym for "language partner" that emphasizes the aspect of practicing conversational skills.


2. Speaking partner: Another term for "language partner" that highlights the purpose of practicing speaking.


3. Language exchange buddy: A person who exchanges their native language with another person to improve their language skills.


4. Practice partner: A general term for someone who practices a skill with another person.


Editor's Summary:

A language partner, also known as a conversation buddy or speaking partner, is someone who practices speaking a foreign language with another person in order to improve their conversational skills. This term is commonly used in language learning communities and can also be referred to as a language exchange buddy or practice partner. Finding a reliable and dedicated language partner is crucial for improving one's speaking abilities and fluency in a foreign language.


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