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"Express in English" means to communicate or convey something using the English language. It can also refer to demonstrating or showcasing one's abilities or talents in the context of English.



/ɪkˈsprɛs ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/


"Express in English" is a common phrase that can be used in various situations. It can be used when someone wants to communicate something in English, whether it is spoken or written. It can also be used when someone wants to showcase their skills or abilities in using the English language.


1. She is able to express herself fluently in English. (她能够流利地用英语表达自己。)

2. The company requires all employees to express themselves effectively in English. (公司要求所有员工能够有效地用英语表达自己。)

3. He has a talent for expressing complex ideas in simple English. (他有一种天赋,能够用简单的英语表达复杂的想法。)

4. The students were asked to express their opinions on the ic in English. (学生们被要求用英语表达他们对该话题的看法。)

5. She was able to express her gratitude towards her teachers in fluent English during her graduation speech. (在毕业典礼上,她能够流利地用英语表达对老师的感激之情。)


1. Communicate in English: This phrase has a similar meaning to "express in English" and can be used interchangeably in most situations.

2. Convey in English: This phrase also means to express or communicate something using the English language.

3. Demonstrate in English: This phrase can be used when someone wants to showcase their abilities or talents in using the English language.

4. Showcase in English: Similar to "demonstrate in English," this phrase can also be used to highlight one's skills or abilities in using the English language.

5. Use English to convey/explain/express/communicate: These phrases can also be used instead of "express in English" depending on the context.


"Express in English" is a versatile phrase that can be used in various situations, whether it is for communication, showcasing skills, or expressing gratitude. It is important for individuals who want to improve their proficiency in the English language to practice expressing themselves effectively and fluently. Using this phrase can also help individuals become more confident and comfortable when communicating with others who speak English as their primary language.


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