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1. tian的发音是tian,读作 /tiən/。


1. 天:天空或天气的统称。

2. 田:指种植农作物的土地。

3. :北京市中心的一座城楼,是最著名的地标建筑之一。

4. 添:增加,添加。

5. 甜:味道像糖一样,不苦不咸的味道。

2.tian的发音是tian,读作 /tiən/。


1. 填:填充,填写。

2. 恬:安静平和,不喧闹。

3. 舔:用舌头触摸或舐食东西。

4. 挑剔:指对事物要求过高,难以满足。

5. 祝天歌:古代祭拜天神时唱的歌曲。

3.tian的发音是tian,读作 /tiən/。


1. 天然气:指在地下自然形成的可燃气体混合物,主要成分为甲烷和乙烷等低碳烃类气体。

2. 天文学:研究宇宙星体及其运动规律等的科学学科。

3. 天气预报:根据气象学原理和方法,对未来一段时间内的天气情况进行预测和预报的工作。

4. 天鹅:大型水鸟,头着长颈和白色羽毛,常生活在水边或湖泊中。

5. 甜蜜:指感觉舒适,令人愉悦的状态。


1. 天上有很多云彩。

2. 农民在田里种水稻。

3. 我们要去参观。

4. 请你给这个菜添点盐。

5. 这个蛋糕很甜。


1. 天空、天气、天文学、天然气、天鹅

2. 田地、田园、农田、菜田、稻田

3. 广场、城楼、

4. 添置、添油加醋、添乱

5. 甘甜、香甜、脆甜


1.tian的发音是tian,读作 /tiən/。tian有哪些意思?

1.tian's pronunciation is tian, pronounced as /tiən/.

2.tian has the following meanings:

- sky: a collective term for the sky or weather.

- field: refers to the land where crops are planted.

- Tiananmen Square: a city gate in the center of Beijing, China, and one of the most famous landmarks in China.

- add: to increase or add.

- sweet: a taste like sugar, neither bitter nor salty.

2.tian的发音是tian,读作 /tiən/。tian有哪些意思?

2.tian's pronunciation is tian, pronounced as /tiən/.

2.tian has the following meanings:

- fill: to fill or write in.

- peaceful: quiet and peaceful, not noisy.

- lick: to touch or lick something with the tongue.

- picky: refers to having high demands for things and difficult to satisfy.

- worship song for heaven: a song sung when worshipping heavenly gods in ancient times.

3.tian的发音是tian,读作 /tiən/。tian有哪些意思?

3.tian's pronunciation is tian, pronounced as /tiən/.

3.tian has the following meanings:

- natural gas: a mixture of combustible gases formed naturally underground, mainly composed of methane and ethane.

- astronomy: the scientific discipline that studies celestial bodies and their movements.

- weather forecast: the work of predicting and forecasting weather conditions for a period of time based on meteorological principles and methods.

- swan: a large water bird with a long neck and white feathers, often living by water or lakesides.

- sweet: refers to feeling comfortable and pleasant.


Tian is a Chinese character with various meanings. It can refer to the sky or weather, fields for planting crops, or Tiananmen Square in Beijing. It can also mean adding something or having a sweet taste. Its pronunciation is tian (/tiən/) and it can also be used in compound words such as "natural gas" and "weather forecast". As a dictionary editor, it is important to accurately define the meanings of words and provide examples to help readers understand their usage.


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