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How to say "前言" in English


Pronunciation: qián yánɡ


"前言" is a Chinese term that can be translated as "preface", "introduction", or "foreword" in English. It refers to the introductory section of a book, speech, or other written work that provides background information, sets the tone for the rest of the content, and prepares readers for what is to come.



1. 这本书的前言由作者本人撰写,介绍了他的写作动机和创作过程。

The preface of this book was written by the author himself, introducing his writing motivation and process.

2. 在这篇论文的前言中,作者简要概述了研究背景和方法。

In the introduction of this paper, the author briefly outlines the research background and methodology.

3. 请在阅读正文之前先阅读本书的前言,以便更好地理解作者的观点。

Please read the preface of this book before reading the main text in order to better understand the author's perspective.

4. 演讲者在开场白时引用了一段名人名言作为前言。

The speaker quoted a famous saying as an introduction during his opening remarks.

5. 在这部电影中,导演通过一个幽默的前言向观众介绍了故事背景。

In this movie, the director introduces the story background to the audience with a humorous preface.


- Preface: a section at the beginning of a book that introduces the main content and often written by the author

- Introduction: a section at the beginning of a book, speech, or other written work that provides background information and prepares readers for what is to come

- Foreword: an introductory section of a book written by someone other than the author, often providing additional context or perspective

- Prologue: an introductory section of a literary work, typically setting the scene or providing background information

- Preamble: an introductory statement or passage, usually explaining the purpose or context of something


"前言" is an important part of any written work as it sets the stage for what is to come. In English, it can be translated as "preface", "introduction", or "foreword", depending on the specific context. When writing a preface in English, it is important to provide background information, set the tone for the rest of the content, and prepare readers for what they are about to read. Other similar terms such as "prologue" and "preamble" may also be used in certain contexts. As always, it is important to consider the target audience and purpose of your writing when choosing which term to use.


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