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To say "到达" in English means "to arrive" or "to reach a destination."



The pronunciation of "到达" is /daʊˈdɑː/ (dow-dah).


"到达" is a verb that describes the action of reaching or arriving at a certain place or destination. It can also be used to indicate the completion of a journey or the end of a trip.


1. 我们预计将在下午3点到达目的地。

We expect to arrive at our destination at 3 PM.

2. 请提前通知我们,如果你不能按时到达。

Please let us know in advance if you cannot arrive on time.

3. 飞机将于8点准时抵达伦敦希思罗机场。

The plane will arrive at London Heathrow Airport at 8 AM sharp.

4. 我们已经到达巴黎,现在正在等待我们的行李。

We have arrived in Paris and are now waiting for our luggage.

5. 已经赶到事故现场,开始调查。

The police have arrived at the scene of the accident and are starting their investigation.


1. 到来 (arrival): This noun refers to the act of arriving or reaching a destination.

2. 到达目的地 (reach one's destination): This phrase specifically refers to reaching a specific place or location.

3. 抵达 (arrive): This is another verb that can be used interchangeably with "到达."

4. 达到 (reach): This verb can also be used to describe the action of reaching a destination or goal.

5. 到达终点 (reach the end): This phrase is often used in the context of a race or competition, when someone reaches the finish line.




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