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Definition: The process of expressing something in a different language while retaining its original meaning.

Pronunciation: /trænsˈleɪt/

Usage: Translation is an essential tool for communication and understanding between different cultures. It involves converting written or spoken words from one language to another, while preserving the intended message and tone.


Example 1: She translated the poem from Spanish to English, capturing the emotions and nuances of the original piece.


Example 2: The company hired a professional translator to help with their international business negotiations.


Example 3: The translation of this novel has been highly praised for its accuracy and fluidity.


Example 4: The translation of idiomatic expressions can be challenging as they often do not have direct equivalents in other languages.


Example 5: Online translation tools have made it easier for people to communicate with each other despite language barriers.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Interpretation - This term is often used interchangeably with translation, but it specifically refers to verbal communication rather than written text.

2. Localization - This is the process of adapting a translation to make it culturally and linguistically appropriate for a specific audience.

3. Transcription - This refers to the conversion of spoken language into written text, often used in subtitling or creating transcripts of speeches or interviews.

4. Paraphrasing - This is the act of restating something in different words, often used in translation to convey the same meaning in a clearer or more concise way.

5. Adaptation - This term is used when translating literary works, as it involves changing certain elements to fit the target language and culture while maintaining the original essence.

Editor's Summary:

Translation plays a crucial role in bridging communication gaps between different languages and cultures. It requires not only linguistic proficiency but also cultural sensitivity and understanding. With advancements in technology, translation has become more accessible and efficient, but it still requires human expertise for accurate and meaningful results.


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