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yǎng zǔ cí

Meaning: to create new words

Usage: This term is used to describe the process of creating new words by combining two or more existing words. It is often used in linguistics and language studies.



1. 他们通过养组词的方式,创造出了许多新词。

They have created many new words by combining existing ones.

2. 养组词是一种丰富语言的方法。

Creating new words is a way of enriching language.

3. 她喜欢用养组词来表达自己的想法。

She enjoys using compound words to express her ideas.

4. 养组词也可以使语言更加简洁有效。

Compound words can also make language more concise and effective.

5. 养组词是一种创造性的过程,需要大量的想象力和灵感。

Creating compound words is a creative process that requires a lot of imagination and inspiration.

Synonyms: 合成词 (hé chéng cí), 复合词 (fù hé cí)

Usage: These terms can also be used to describe the process of creating new words by combining existing ones.

Editor's Note: Creating compound words is an important aspect of language development and can greatly enrich our vocabulary. It allows us to express complex ideas in a more concise and efficient manner, making communication easier and more effective. Keep exploring and creating new compound words!


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