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Meaning: How to Say in Practical English

Pronunciation: /haʊ tu seɪ ɪn ˈpræktɪkəl ˈɪŋglɪʃ/

Usage: This phrase is used to ask for the correct or most commonly used way to say something in English.


Example Sentences:

1. Can you tell me how to say this word in practical English? (你能告诉我这个单词用实用的英语怎么说吗?)

2. I'm still learning English, can you show me how to say this phrase in practical terms? (我还在学习英语,你可以教我如何用实用的方式来表达这个短语吗?)

3. As a non-native speaker, I always struggle with how to say things in practical English. (作为非母语者,我总是苦恼于如何用实用的英语来表达自己的想法。)

4. The dictionary provides literal translations, but I need to know how to say it in practical terms. (字典提供了字面翻译,但是我需要知道如何以实用的方式来表达。)

5. Learning how to say things in practical English will greatly improve your communication skills. (学习如何以实用的方式来表达将极大地提高你的沟通能力。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. How do you express this idea in everyday English? (你如何在日常生活中表达这个想法?)

2. What's the most common way to say this phrase? (最常用的表达这个短语的方式是什么?)

3. Can you give me a practical translation of this word? (你能给我提供这个单词的实用翻译吗?)

4. How would you say this in colloquial English? (你会如何用口语英语来表达这个?)

5. Please provide a more practical way to say this sentence. (请提供一个更实用的表达这个句子的方式。)

Editor's Summary:

Knowing how to say things in practical English is essential for effective communication. It involves using commonly used phrases and expressions rather than literal translations. Asking for the practical way to say something is a useful skill for language learners and non-native speakers alike. Remember to always consider the context and audience when choosing how to say something in English.


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