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The meaning of "俊秀用英语怎么说" is "How to say handsome in English".



The pronunciation of "俊秀" is /jùn xiù/ in Mandarin Chinese.


"俊秀" is usually used as an adjective to describe a person's appearance, specifically referring to a man who is good-looking, charming and elegant.


1. 他是一个俊秀的年轻人,总是吸引着女孩子们的目光。

He is a handsome young man who always catches the eyes of girls.

2. 我们公司招聘的要求之一就是外表俊秀,这样才能我们公司的形象。

One of the requirements for our company's recruitment is to have a handsome appearance, which can represent our company's image.

3. 她有着一张俊秀的脸庞和一头乌黑亮丽的长发。

She has a beautiful face and shiny black long hair.

4. 他不仅仅是一个俊秀的男人,更重要的是他有着善良和勤奋的品质。

He is not only a handsome man, but also has kind and hard-working qualities.

5. 在西方文化中,男性通常会被描述为高大、健壮和俊秀。

In Western culture, men are often described as tall, strong and handsome.


1. 帅气 (shuài qì): This word also means "handsome" and is often used to describe a man's appearance.

2. 英俊 (yīng jùn): It has a similar meaning to "俊秀" but is more commonly used to describe a man's appearance in literature or formal situations.

3. 潇洒 (xiāo sǎ): It can be used to describe someone who is not only handsome, but also has a charming and elegant demeanor.

4. 俊朗 (jùn lǎng): It refers to someone who is not only handsome, but also has a bright and cheerful personality.

5. 美男子 (měi nán zǐ): It literally means "beautiful man" and is often used to describe a handsome man with delicate features.


In summary, "俊秀用英语怎么说" means "How to say handsome in English". It is an adjective commonly used to describe a man who is good-looking, charming and elegant. Other synonyms for "handsome" include 帅气, 英俊, 潇洒, 俊朗, and 美男子. As an editor of the dictionary, it's important to provide accurate translations for words or phrases that may have different meanings in different languages. In this case, it's crucial to clarify that the word "handsome" in English refers specifically to a man's appearance, while in Chinese it can also include qualities such as kindness and diligence.


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