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Meaning: How do you say "但是" in English?


Pronunciation: [dàn shì]

Usage: "但是" is a conjunction in Chinese, used to introduce a contrast or opposition between two ideas or clauses.

Example Sentences:

1. 他很聪明,但是缺乏经验。(Tā hěn cōngmíng, dànshì quēfá jīngyàn.) - He is very intelligent, but lacks experience.

2. 我喜欢吃甜食,但是我需要注意健康。(Wǒ xǐhuan chī tiánshí, dànshì wǒ xūyào zhùyì jiànkāng.) - I love eating sweets, but I need to watch my health.

3. 她工作很努力,但是老板总是找她的茬。(Tā gōngzuò hěn nǔlì, dànshì lǎobǎn zǒng shì zhǎo tā de chá.) - She works hard, but the boss always picks on her.

4. 这个电影票很贵,但是值得一看。(Zhè ge diànyǐng piào hěn guì, dànshì zhíde yī kàn.) - The movie ticket is expensive, but it's worth watching.

5. 我想去旅游,但是没有时间和钱。(Wǒ xiǎng qù lǚyóu, dànshì méiyǒu shíjiān hé qián.) - I want to travel, but I don't have the time or money.

Synonyms and Usage: Other words that can be used to express contrast or opposition include 但 (dàn), 不过 (bùguò), 然而 (rán'ér), 可是 (kěshì), etc.

Editor's Summary: "但是" is a common conjunction in Chinese used to introduce a contrast or opposition. It can be translated as "but" or "however" in English, depending on the context. Other similar words can also be used to convey the same meaning.


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