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1. 用于检验、证明或评估某种事物或现象是否符合要求或标准。

例句1:The new product is undergoing a series of tests before it can be released to the market.(这款新产品正在经历一系列测试,才能够发布到市场上。)

例句2:The teacher gave us a pop quiz to test our understanding of the lesson.(老师给我们布置了一个突击测验来测试我们对这节课的理解。)

例句3:The doctor ordered some blood tests to determine the cause of the patient's illness.(医生要求进行一些血液检测来确定患者疾病的原因。)

例句4:We need to test the software thoroughly before it can be launched.(在软件发布之前,我们需要对其进行全面的测试。)

例句5:The athlete was tested for performance-enhancing drugs and the results were negative.(这位运动员接受了性能增强药物的检测,结果为阴性。)

2. 用于试验或试用某种方法、工具或技术。

例句1:I tested different recipes before I found the perfect one for this dish.(我试验了多种食谱,最终找到了这道菜的完美配方。)

例句2:The engineer is testing a new type of engine that is more energy-efficient.(工程师正在试验一种更节能的新型发动机。)

例句3:The company is testing a new advertising strategy to attract more customers.(公司正在试验一种新的广告策略来吸引更多的客户。)

例句4:We need to test the equipment before we can start using it in our experiments.(在我们开始在实验中使用这些设备之前,我们需要对其进行测试。)

例句5:The team tested various methods to improve their productivity and finally found one that worked best for them.(团队尝试了多种提高生产率的方法,最终找到了最适合他们的一种。)

3. 用于考察某人的知识、能力或技能。

例句1:The final exam will test your understanding of the entire course.(期末考试将考察你对整个课程的理解。)

例句2:The driving test is designed to assess your ability to operate a vehicle safely.(驾驶考试旨在评估你安全驾驶的能力。)

例句3:The job interview will test your communication skills and problem-solving abilities.(工作面试将考察你的沟通能力和解决问题的能力。)

例句4:The coach tested the players' endurance by making them run five kilometers.(教练通过让球员们跑五公里来测试他们的耐力。)

例句5:The language proficiency test is used to determine the level of a person's language skills.(语言能力测试被用来确定一个人的语言水平。)



1. retest (n.) 重测,复测

2. testable (adj.) 可测试的,可检验的

3. tester (n.) 测试者,检测仪器

4. detest (v.) 厌恶,憎恨

5. protest (v.) ,反对



我对test这个词有着深刻的情感。它不仅着一种方法、工具或技术,更是一种思维方式。无论是检测、试验还是评估,test都能帮助我们了解事物的真实面貌。它也可以作为一种挑战,考验我们的知识、能力和技能。在我的字典里,test不仅仅是一个词汇,更是一种生活态度。它的相关词汇如retest, testable, tester, detest和protest等也都充满了活力和挑战性。总而言之,test对我来说有着特殊的意义,在我的生活中经常被提及,并且永远不会失去其重要性。


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