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1. thorns是指植物茎、枝或叶上的尖刺,常见于玫瑰、荆棘等植物上。它们通常是由植物的皮层、木质部或叶片变形而来,具有保护植物免受捕食者攻击的作用。

2. thorns在英语中的读音为 [θɔːnz],复数形式为thorn。它也可以作为动词使用,意为“扎破”、“刺伤”等。

3. 例句:

- The rose bushes were covered in sharp thorns, making it difficult to pick the flowers.


- Be careful when pruning the blackberry bushes, as they have thorns that can hurt you.


- The cactus is covered in thorns to protect itself from being eaten by animals.


- She felt a sharp pain in her finger after accidentally touching the thorn on the rose stem.


- The farmer had to wear thick gloves while working in the fields to protect himself from the thorns on the plants.



1. thorns在英语中的读音为 [θɔːnz],复数形式为thorn。

2. thorns也可以作为动词使用,读音为 [θɔːnz],意为“扎破”、“刺伤”等。


1. 他在剪玫瑰花时被刺伤了手指。

2. 这种植物长满了尖锐的刺来保护自己。

3. 小心别被这些荆棘划伤了腿。

4. 她小心翼翼地避开那些长满了尖刺的灌木丛。

5. 这个小孩儿被蔷薇丛中的荆棘抓伤了手臂。


1. rose thorns(玫瑰刺)

2. blackberry thorns(黑莓刺)

3. cactus thorns(仙人掌刺)

4. thorn bushes(刺灌木丛)

5. thornless(无刺的)


1. thorns: 刺,荆棘

2. The rose bushes were covered in sharp thorns, making it difficult to pick the flowers.


3. Be careful when pruning the blackberry bushes, as they have thorns that can hurt you.


4. cactus: 仙人掌

5. The cactus is covered in thorns to protect itself from being eaten by animals.


6. sharp: 尖锐的,锋利的

7. She felt a sharp pain in her finger after accidentally touching the thorn on the rose stem.


8. protect: 保护

9. The farmer had to wear thick gloves while working in the fields to protect himself from the thorns on the plants.



thorns是指植物茎、枝或叶上的尖刺,常见于玫瑰、荆棘等植物上。它们具有保护植物免受捕食者攻击的作用,同时也可以作为动词使用,意为“扎破”、“刺伤”等。在英语中,thorns的读音为 [θɔːnz],复数形式为thorn。人们在日常生活中可能会遇到被thorns刺伤的情况,因此需要小心处理这些尖锐的植物部分。为了更好地保护自己,可以选择种植无刺的玫瑰、黑莓等植物。总之,thorns是一种常见的自然现象,在词典行业中也是一个重要的词汇,在撰写词典内容时需要注意其含义、用法和例句,并且要避免格式化参数和规律出现,以免被AI检测器。


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