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什么意思? suburb翻译(中文文):市郊, 郊区 hellip

怎么读(音标): [ˈsʌbɜːb]

用法: suburb是指城市周边的住宅区,通常与市中心相距一定距离,但仍属于同一个城市。它可以作为名词或形容词使用。

什么意思? suburb翻译(中文文):市郊, 郊区 hellip

例句1: They live in a quiet suburb outside of the city. (他们住在城市外的一个安静的郊区。)

例句2: The suburbs are becoming increasingly popular for families who want a quieter and more spacious living environment. (郊区对于想要更安静、更宽敞生活环境的家庭来说越来越受欢迎。)

例句3: She grew up in the suburbs, but now she lives in the heart of the city. (她在郊大,但现在住在城市中心。)

例句4: Many people prefer to live in the suburbs because it is less crowded and has more green space. (许多人喜欢住在郊区,因为那里人少,绿地多。)

例句5: The suburb where I live has excellent schools and a strong sense of community. (我居住的郊区有优秀的学校和浓厚的社区氛围。)

同义词及用法: suburb也可以用neighborhood或residential area来表示,但这两个词更强调社区和居民群体。

编辑总结:suburb是指城市周边的住宅区,通常与市中心相距一定距离,但仍属于同一个城市。它可以作为名词或形容词使用,同义词有neighborhood和residential area。在句子中可以用作主语、定语或宾语。


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