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1. 产地 (chǎn dì)

Meaning: place of origin; source



- Used to indicate where something is produced or originates from.

- Can also refer to the birthplace or hometown of a person.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个商品的产地是。(Zhè gè shāng pǐn de chǎn dì shì Zhōng guó.)

The place of origin for this product is China.

2. 他的产地是一个小村庄。(Tā de chǎn dì shì yī gè xiǎo cūn zhuāng.)

His hometown is a small village.

3. 这种水果的产地通常是热带。(Zhè zhǒng shuǐ guǒ de chǎn dì tōng cháng shì rè dài guó jiā.)

The usual place of origin for this type of fruit is tropical countries.

4. 这部电影的产地是美国。(Zhè bù diàn yǐng de chǎn dì shì Měi guó.)

The film's country of origin is the United States.

5. 食物的产地对于质量和口味都很重要。(Shí wù de chǎn dì duì yú zhì liàng hé kǒu wèi dōu hěn zhòng yào.)

The place of origin for food is important for both quality and taste.


- 原产地 (yuán chǎn dì) - place of original production

- 出产地 (chū chǎn dì) - place of production

- 出生地 (chū shēng dì) - birthplace


产地 (chǎn dì) is used to indicate the place of origin for something, whether it be a product or a person's hometown. It is an important factor in determining quality and taste, especially for food products. Synonyms include 原产地 (yuán chǎn dì), 出产地 (chū chǎn dì), and 出生地 (chū shēng dì).


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