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乍暖还寒犹未定。 诗词名句

一:乍暖还寒犹未定。 诗词名句的意思



乍暖还寒犹未定(zhà nuǎn hái hán yóu wèi dìng)

乍暖还寒犹未定。 诗词名句




1. 昨天是个晴天,但今天却下起了雨,春天就像是“乍暖还寒犹未定”的季节。

Yesterday was a sunny day, but it's raining today. Spring is like a season of "unstable temperature" (literal translation of 乍暖还寒犹未定).

2. 那个人一会儿说要去旅行,一会儿又说不想去,他的心情就像是“乍暖还寒犹未定”。

The person said he wanted to travel, but then he said he didn't want to go. His mood is like "not yet decided" (literal translation of 犹未定).

3. 春天的气温变化多端,正如诗人所说,“乍暖还寒犹未定”。

The temperature in spring changes a lot, just like the poet said, "unstable temperature" (literal translation of 乍暖还寒犹未定).

4. 这首诗的名字叫做《无题》,但实际上它也可以叫做“乍暖还寒犹未定”。

The title of this poem is "Untitled", but it could also be called "unstable temperature" (literal translation of 乍暖还寒犹未定).

5. 我们应该等到春天完全稳定下来再决定要不要出门旅行,毕竟现在是“乍暖还寒犹未定”的季节。

We should wait until spring stabilizes before deciding whether to travel or not, after all it's a season of "unstable temperature" (literal translation of 乍暖还寒犹未定).


1. 变幻莫测:形容事物变化无常,难以预测。

2. 不稳定:形容事物的状态不稳定,易变动。

3. 未决:指尚未做出决定或解决。

4. 犹豫不决:形容人在做出决定时犹豫不定,无法下定决心。

5. 走马观花:比喻只是匆匆看过一眼,没有深入了解。




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