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1. 乃组词的意思:乃组词是由一个或多个词语组合而成的新词,具有独特的含义和用法。


2. 怎么读(音标):nǎi zǔ cí

3. 用法:乃组词可以用来描述事物、人物、动作等,也可以表示抽象概念。它可以是名词、动词、形容词或副词等不同词性,具体用法取决于组合的词语。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

- The word "brunch" is a compound word formed by combining "breakfast" and "lunch".(“brunch”这个单词是由“breakfast”和“lunch”两个单词组合而成的复合词。)

- The term "greenwashing" is a compound word that describes the practice of companies presenting themselves as environmentally friendly when they are not truly sustainable.(“greenwashing”这个术语是一个由两个单词组合而成的复合词,它描述了企业在实际上并不可持续时将自己呈现为环保友好的做法。)

- The phrase "self-care" is a compound word that refers to taking care of one's own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.(“self-care”这个短语是一个由两个单词组合而成的复合词,它指的是照顾自己的身体、心理和情绪健康。)

- "Brainstorm" is a compound word that means to come up with ideas or solutions through intense and rapid thinking.(“brainstorm”是一个由两个单词组合而成的复合词,它指的是通过强烈而迅速的思考提出想法或解决方案。)

- The word "lighthouse" is a compound word formed by combining "light" and "house".(“lighthouse”这个单词是由“light”和“house”两个单词组合而成的复合词。)

5. 同义词及用法:compound word、phrasal word、portmanteau、blending等。

6. 编辑总结:乃组词是语言中常见的现象,它可以丰富语言表达,使语言更加生动多样。在使用乃组词时,需要注意其读音和用法,避免使用不当造成歧义。同时,也可以通过学习同义词来拓展自己的词汇量,在写作和口语表达中更加灵活地运用乃组词。


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