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临时空缺的英语翻译 临时空缺用英语怎么说

Temporary Vacancy in English, How to Say Temporary Vacancy in English

[tem·po·rar·y] [ˈtempəˌrerē]

adj. lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent

临时空缺的英语翻译 临时空缺用英语怎么说


[ve·can·cy] [ˈvākənsē]

n. a position that is unoccupied or unfilled



Temporary vacancy refers to a position or job that is temporarily unoccupied or unfilled due to various reasons such as an employee's leave, resignation, or termination. It can also refer to a temporary increase in workload that requires additional staff for a short period of time.

Example Sentences:

1. The company is currently facing a temporary vacancy for the position of marketing manager due to the sudden resignation of the previous manager.


2. The university is looking for a temporary replacement for the professor who will be going on sabbatical leave next semester.


3. Due to the increase in workload during the holiday season, the retail store has several temporary vacancies for sales associates.


4. The company has decided to hire temporary employees to fill the vacancies caused by the recent layoff of permanent staff.


5. The temporary vacancy of the project manager's position will be filled by the assistant manager until a suitable candidate is hired.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Interim Position - a temporary vacancy that serves as a s-gap measure until a permanent replacement is found.

临时职位 - 一种暂时性的空缺,直到找到永久替代人选为止。

2. Acting Role - a temporary vacancy where an employee temporarily takes on additional responsibilities or duties.

代理角色 - 员工暂时承担额外职责或任务的临时空缺。

3. Substitute Position - a temporary vacancy that is filled by someone who is not the usual or permanent occupant of the position.

替代职位 - 由非常规或永久占据该职位的人填补的临时空缺。

Editor's Summary:

Temporary vacancies are common in many industries and can occur for various reasons. It is important for companies to have a plan in place to handle these vacancies to maintain productivity and ensure smooth operations. Temporary employees can be hired to fill these vacancies, or existing employees can take on additional responsibilities temporarily. It is also essential for companies to have clear communication with their employees regarding the duration and expectations of the temporary vacancy.


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