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1. supposedly是一个副词,意为“据说”、“应该”、“想象上”、“大概”等。它通常用来表示某件事情或某个人据说应该或可能是真实的,但并不一定如此。


3. 以下是supposedly的用例:

例句1:Supposedly, the new product will be released next month, but there has been no official announcement yet.


例句2:She is supposedly an expert in this field, but her knowledge seems quite limited.


例句3:The movie is supposedly based on a true story, but many details have been changed for dramatic effect.


例句4:Supposedly, the company has been making huge profits every year, but their financial reports tell a different story.


例句5:The medicine is supposedly effective in treating colds, but I didn't see any improvement after taking it.


4. 以下是supposedly的组词:

supposedly (副词) + be (动词) + 名词/形容词

supposedly (副词) + do (动词) + 动词原形

supposedly (副词) + have (动词) + 过去分词

5. 中英文对照:


英文:supposedly, should, supposedly, probably



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