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1. 不要脸英文怎么写的意思:

The meaning of 不要脸英文怎么写 is "how to write shameless in English".


2. 怎么读(音标):

Pronunciation: [bú yào liǎn yīng wén zěn me xiě]

3. 用法:


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) 她真是太不要脸了,居然还敢向老板要求加薪。

She's so shameless, she even dared to ask for a raise from the boss.

2) 那个政客在期间说了许多不实话,真是太不要脸了。

That politician told many lies during the election, he's really shameless.

3) 我们公司的竞争对手总是偷我们的商业机密,他们真是太不要脸了。

Our company's compes always steal our trade secrets, they're really shameless.

4) 他为了博取老板的欢心,每天都会给老板送礼物,这种行为真是太不要脸了。

He gives gifts to the boss every day just to win his favor, this behavior is really shameless.

5) 那个小偷偷走了老人的钱包,然后还对老人说谎,他真是太不要脸了。

That thief stole the old man's wallet and lied to him, he's really shameless.

5. 同义词及用法:

- 无耻 (wú chǐ): shameless; without any sense of shame

- 厚颜无耻 (hòu yán wú chǐ): impudent; brazen

- 不知廉耻 (bù zhī lián chǐ): lacking in integrity; without any sense of shame

- 不守妇道 (bù shǒu fù dào): immoral; unchaste

6. 编辑总结:



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