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1. 不多不少英文怎么写 (How to Write "不多不少" in English)

[bù duō bù shǎo yīng wén zěn me xiě]


2. 怎么读 (Pronunciation)

[bù duō bù shǎo] ([bú] as in "boo", [duō] as in "dwoah", [bù] as in "boo", [shǎo] as in "shaw")

3. 用法 (Usage)


4. 例句 (Examples):

1) 这份礼物的价值不多不少就是100美元。

[Zhè fèn lǐ wù de jià zhí bù duō bù shǎo jiù shì yī bǎi měi yuán.]

(The value of this gift is exactly 100 dollars, not more or less.)

2) 我们公司的员工人数不多不少正好是50人。

[Wǒ men gōng sī de yuán gōng rén shù bù duō bù shǎo zhèng hǎo shì wǔ shí rén.]

(The number of employees in our company is exactly 50, not more or less.)

3) 这个菜的味道很特别,酸甜度不多不少正合我口味。

[Zhè gè cài de wèi dào hěn tè bié, suān tián dù bù duō bù shǎo zhèng hé wǒ kǒu wèi.]

(The taste of this dish is unique, the sourness and sweetness are just right for my taste.)

4) 这部电影的时长不多不少正好是两个小时。

[Zhè bù diàn yǐng de shí cháng bù duō bù shǎo zhèng hǎo shì liǎng gè xiǎo shí.]

(The duration of this movie is exactly two hours, not more or less.)

5) 他的话说得不多不少,刚好说明了问题的关键。

[Tā de huà shuō dé bù duō bù shǎo, gāng hǎo shuō míng le wèn tí de guān jiàn.]

(He said just enough to explain the key point of the problem.)

5. 同义词及用法 (Synonyms and Usage)

- 恰到好处 (qià dào hǎo chù): literally means "just right", can be used interchangeably with "不多不少".

- 恰如其分 (qià rú qí fēn): means "appropriate" or "proper", can also be used to express the same meaning as "不多不少".

6. 编辑总结 (Editor's Summary)



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