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Ants on a log is a classic childhood game that typically requires two or more players. It is also known as "PayPal ants" or "Alipay ants" in reference to the popular online payment platforms.


Pronunciation: /ænts ɒn ə lɒg/

Usage: Ants on a log is a simple and fun game that can be played indoors or outdoors. It is often played at parties, playdates, or during recess at school.

Example sentences:

1. "Let's play ants on a log! I'll be the ant and you can be the log."

2. "We used to play PayPal ants all the time when we were kids."

3. "Do you want to join us for a game of Alipay ants?"

4. "The children were giggling and having a great time playing ants on a log."

5. "I remember playing this game with my friends when I was little, but we called it 'ants on a stick'."

Synonyms and usage: Ants on a log is similar to other childhood games such as tag, hide-and-seek, and hopscotch. It involves physical movement and encourages teamwork and communication between players.

Editor's note:

Ants on a log is not only an entertaining game for children, but it also promotes social skills and physical activity. As technology continues to advance, it's important to remember the simple joys of childhood games like Alipay ants. So next time you're looking for something fun to do with your friends or family, why not give ants on a log a try?


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