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上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川 诗词名句

一:上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川 诗词名句的意思是指上有六条龙在天空中盘旋,象征着权力和威严;下有水波逆流回旋,象征着坚定不移的意志。这句诗出自唐代诗人白居易的《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》。

二:怎么读(音标):shàng yǒu liù lóng huí rì zhī gāo biāo, xià yǒu chōng bō nì zhé zhī huí chuān

上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川 诗词名句



1. 他身上散发出的气势就像是上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川。

His aura is like having six dragons circling in the sky and the water waves flowing against the current.

2. 这座山脉宛如一道屏障,上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川。

This mountain range is like a barrier, with six dragons circling in the sky and water waves flowing against the current.

3. 她的意志坚定不移,就像是下有冲波逆折之回川,无法被任何困难所阻挡。

Her determination is unshakable, like the water waves flowing against the current, unable to be sped by any difficulties.

4. 这幅画的气势宏伟,上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川。

The painting has a grand aura, with six dragons circling in the sky and water waves flowing against the current.

5. 他的声音响彻山谷,似乎拥有上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川的力量。

His voice echoed through the valley, as if possessing the power of six dragons circling in the sky and water waves flowing against the current.


1. 上有六龙回日之高标:也可以用“上有九天揽月之神威”来形容同样的气势和威严。

2. 下有冲波逆折之回川:也可以用“下有万顷潮涌之壮阔”来形容同样的坚定不移和变化。



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