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1. transfer的意思是指转移、转变的过程。它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。

2. transfer的读音为/træns'fər/,读法为“trans-fuh”。

3. transfer的用例:

例句1:The transfer of power from the old government to the new one was smooth.

例句2:I need to transfer my money from one bank account to another.

例句3:The company announced a transfer of its headquarters to a bigger city.

例句4:She is considering transferring to a different department in her company.

例句5:The transfer of knowledge from teachers to students is crucial for education.

4. transfer的组词:

- 转移(transferal)

- 转变(transformation)

- 转让(transference)

- 转换(transposition)

- 调动(reassignment)

5. transfer的中英文对照:


英文:transfer, transformation



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