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yell什么意思? yell翻译(中文文):大叫, 忍不住笑, hellip


yell什么意思? yell翻译(中文文):大叫, 忍不住笑,  hellip




1. She yelled at the of her lungs, trying to get the attention of her friend. 她尽力地大喊,想要引起朋友的注意。

2. The coach yelled at the players for not following his instructions. 教练因球员没有按照他的指示而大发雷霆。

3. The baby started to cry and yell when he saw a stranger approaching him. 当婴儿看到陌生人走近时开始哭闹和大喊。

4. The protesters gathered outside the government building, yelling slogans and demanding change. 者聚集在大楼外,高呼口号并要求改变。

5. "Help!" she yelled as she fell off the cliff and into the water below. “救命!”她从悬崖上掉下来落入水中时大声呼救。

同义词及用法:shout, scream, cry out, holler, bellow

Yell与shout都可以表示大声喊叫,但yell更强调声音的高亢和狂热,而shout则更多指出声音的响亮和力量。:The fans yelled and shouted with excitement when their team scored a goal. 当他们的球队进球时,球迷们欢呼雀跃。

Scream也可以表示尖叫或大声喊叫,但通常带有恐惧、痛苦或愤怒的情绪。:She screamed in terror when she saw the spider crawling on her arm. 当她看到蜘蛛爬上她的手臂时,她惊恐地尖叫。

Cry out和yell都可以表示大声呼喊,但cry out更多指出呼喊的紧迫性和情感强度。:The workers cried out for help when the building caught on fire. 当建筑着火时,工人们大声呼救。

Holler和yell都可以表示大声喊叫,但holler通常用于非正式场合,并带有一种乡土气息。:He hollered at the kids to get off his lawn. 他大声吆喝让孩子们离开他的草坪。



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