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1. tooth作为名词时,表示“牙齿”,:

- I need to brush my teeth before going to bed.(我需要在睡觉前刷牙。)

- The dentist told me I have a cavity in my tooth.(牙医告诉我我的牙齿有蛀牙。)

2. tooth也可以表示“尖锐的东西”或“机器上的小零件”,:

- The saw has very sharp teeth.(这把锯子有非常锋利的锯齿。)

- I need to replace the missing tooth on my bicycle chain.(我需要替换我自行车链条上缺失的小零件。)

3. tooth还可以表示“力量”或“影响力”,:

- The team's star player is the tooth of their offense.(球队的明星球员是他们进攻的核心。)

- The company's CEO has a lot of political teeth.(公司的CEO有很大的影响力。)

4. tooth作为动词时,表示“用牙齿咬或咬碎”,:

- My puppy loves to chew on anything he can get his teeth on.(我的小狗喜欢咬任何它能够咬到的东西。)

- The lion used its sharp teeth to kill its prey.(狮子用它锋利的牙齿来杀死猎物。)

5. tooth也可以表示“使某物变尖锐”,:

- He used a file to tooth the end of the screwdriver.(他用锉刀将螺丝刀的末端变尖。)


1. She had a terrible toothache and had to go to the dentist.


2. The shark has rows of sharp teeth in its mouth.


3. This machine needs a new tooth to function properly.


4. We need someone with more political teeth to push this project forward.


5. The dog's teeth were covered in mud after digging in the yard.



1. toothbrush(牙刷)

2. toothpaste(牙膏)

3. toothpick(牙签)

4. wisdom tooth(智齿)

5. baby teeth(乳牙)


1. tooth - 牙齿

2. sharp teeth - 锐利的牙齿

3. political teeth - 影响力

4. to brush one's teeth - 刷牙

5. to have a cavity in one's tooth - 牙齿有蛀牙



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