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yearbook什么意思? yearbook翻译(中文文):年鉴 hellip


yearbook什么意思? yearbook翻译(中文文):年鉴 hellip



1. I always love looking through my high school yearbook and reminiscing about the good old days.


2. The company publishes a yearbook every year to showcase its achievements and milestones.


3. The alumni association is collecting photos for the upcoming yearbook.


4. In some countries, students have the tradition of signing each other's yearbooks before graduation.


5. The yearbook committee is responsible for designing, editing, and publishing the school's annual yearbook.


同义词及用法:annual/yearly publication(每年出版物)、chronicle(编年史)、record/book of memories(记忆录)、annals(编年史)

编辑总结:yearbook是指一本记录某一年度重要、人物、成就等的书籍,通常由学校、组织或团体出版。它可以作为回顾过去的纪念品,也可以作为未来的参考资料。其读音为[ˈjɪrˌbʊk],是一个名词。同义词包括annual publication、chronicle、record等。在一些,学生们有在毕业前互相签名年鉴的传统。年鉴负责设计、编辑和出版学校每年的年鉴。


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