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world什么意思? world翻译(中文文):世界, 界, 世事, hellip


world什么意思? world翻译(中文文):世界, 界, 世事, hellip


例句1:1. The world is so big, I want to travel and see more.(这个世界太大了,我想要旅行看更多的东西。)

2. She has been to many countries, she has seen a lot of the world.(她去过很多,她看过很多世界。)

3. The world is changing so fast, we need to keep up with it.(世界变化得如此之快,我们需要跟上它。)

4. It's a small world after all.(这个世界真是小啊。)

5. He thinks he knows everything about the world, but he's wrong.(他以为自己对这个世界了如指掌,但他错了。)


1. globe (n.) 地球;全球

例句:The globe is getting warmer and warmer due to global warming.

2. universe (n.) 宇宙

例句:Scientists are still exploring the mysteries of the universe.

3. cosmos (n.) 宇宙;秩序

例句:The beauty of the cosmos always amazes me.

4. earth (n.) 地球

例句:The earth is our home, we should take care of it.

5. society (n.) 社会;世界

例句:He is a well-known figure in the society.




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