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1. staple的意思是什么?


2. staple的用法和例句读音读法


3. staple的用法和例句的解释


- Rice is the staple food in many Asian countries.(大米是许多亚洲的主食。)

- Bread and milk are considered staples in most households.(面包和牛奶被认为是大多数家庭必备品。)


- Tourism is the staple industry of this coastal city.(旅游业是这个沿海城市的支柱产业。)

- Agriculture is the economic staple of this rural community.(农业是这个农村社区的经济支柱。)

4. staple的用法和例句的用例

例句1:Rice is the staple food in many Asian countries.


例句2:Wheat, corn and potatoes are the staples of this region's agriculture.


例句3:Bread and milk are considered staples in most households.


例句4:The textile industry is the economic staple of this city.


例句5:In this community, fishing is the main staple for livelihood.


5. staple的意思是什么?staple的用法和例句组词

- staple food 主食

- daily staple 日常必需品

- economic staple 经济支柱

- cultural staples 文化特色

- regional staples 地区特产

6. staple的意思是什么?staple的用法和例句中英文对照

staple - 主食/固定物品

use as a noun - 作为名词使用

Rice is the staple food in many Asian countries. - 大米是许多亚洲的主食。

Bread and milk are considered staples in most households. - 面包和牛奶被认为是大多数家庭必备品。

staple industry - 支柱产业

use as a noun - 作为名词使用

Tourism is the staple industry of this coastal city. - 旅游业是这个沿海城市的支柱产业。

Agriculture is the economic staple of this rural community. - 农业是这个农村社区的经济支柱。

7. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结



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