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wonder什么意思? wonder翻译(中文文):奇迹, 惊奇, 惊愕




1. I wonder how she managed to finish the project in such a short time. (我不知道她是如何在这么短的时间内完成这个项目的。)

wonder什么意思? wonder翻译(中文文):奇迹, 惊奇, 惊愕

2. It's a wonder that he survived the accident. (他能够在那场事故中幸存真是个奇迹。)

3. She looked at him in wonder, not knowing what to say. (她惊讶地看着他,不知道该说什么。)

4. I wonder if they will ever find a cure for this disease. (我不知道他们是否会找到治愈这种疾病的方法。)

5. The children were filled with wonder as they watched the magician perform his tricks. (孩子们观看魔术师表演魔术时充满了好奇心。)


1. amazement: 惊讶,表示对某件事情感到惊讶或震惊,常用作名词。

例句:Her amazement was evident when she saw the surprise party. (当她看到惊喜派对时,她的惊讶之情显而易见。)

2. astonishment: 惊讶,表示极度的惊讶或震惊,常用作名词。

例句:He stared at her in astonishment, unable to believe what he was hearing. (他惊讶地盯着她,无法相信自己听到的话。)

3. marvel: 奇迹,表示令人惊奇的事情或现象,常用作名词。

例句:The Great Wall of China is a marvel of engineering and architecture. (的长城是一项工程和建筑上的奇迹。)

4. curiosity: 好奇心,表示对某件事情感到好奇或感兴趣,常用作名词。

例句:His curiosity got the better of him and he opened the mysterious box. (好奇心使他不由自主地打开了那个神秘的盒子。)

5. question: 怀疑,表示对某件事情感到怀疑或不确定,常用作动词。

例句:I questioned whether his story was true or not. (我怀疑他说的故事是否属实。)




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