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wide-awake什么意思? wide-awake翻译(中文文):完全清醒



例句1:After a good night's sleep, I woke up feeling wide-awake and ready to start the day.


wide-awake什么意思? wide-awake翻译(中文文):完全清醒

例句2:The coffee helped me stay wide-awake during the long drive.


例句3:The students were all wide-awake during the interactive lesson.


例句4:I couldn't fall asleep because I was still wide-awake from the excitement of the concert.


例句5:The doctor gave me a medication that would make me feel wide-awake for the surgery.



1. alert (形容词):觉的,机灵的

例句:She was always alert and ready to face any challenges in her job. (她总是觉并且准备好应对工作中的任何挑战。)

2. attentive (形容词):专注的,留心的

例句:The students were very attentive during the lecture. (学生们在讲座期间非常专注。)

3. wide-eyed (形容词):睁大眼睛的,惊奇的

例句:The children were wide-eyed with excitement as they opened their Christmas presents. (孩子们打开圣诞礼物时兴奋得睁大了眼睛。)

4. awake (形容词):醒着的,有意识的

例句:She was still awake at 2am, unable to fall asleep. (她在凌晨两点仍然醒着,无法入睡。)




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