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step in是什么意思?

解释:step in是指进入或介入某个情况或活动中,常用于表示某人开始参与某件事情。

step in是什么意思?

读音读法:[step ɪn]

step in是什么意思?


1. He stepped in to help his friend when he saw him struggling with the heavy boxes.

2. The teacher always steps in when her students are having a disagreement.

3. The government decided to step in and provide financial aid to the struggling company.

4. As a last resort, the parents had to step in and discipline their misbehaving child.

5. When the situation escalated, the police had to step in and restore order.

step in是什么意思?


1. Step into: 进入,走进

2. Step-by-step: 逐步的,一步一步的

3. Step up: 加快,提高

4. Step aside: 让位,让路

5. Next step: 下一步

step in是什么意思?


Step in - 进入/介入

Step into - 进入/走进

Step-by-step - 逐步的/step by step

Step up - 加快/提高

Step aside - 让位/让路

Next step - 下一步/next move


在词典行业中,我们可以将step in理解为“进入”或“介入”的意思。它常用于表示某人开始参与某件事情,并且可以搭配不同的动词和介词来表达不同的意思。,step into表示“走进”或“进入”,step-by-step表示“逐步的”或“一步一步的”,step up表示“加快”或“提高”,而next step则表示“下一步”。通过对比中英文对照,我们可以更加准确地理解和使用这个词汇。



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