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what amp 39 s wrong是什么意思? what amp 39 s wrong翻译(中文文):怎


一、what amp 39 s wrong是什么意思?

what amp 39 s wrong是一个英文短语,由三部分组成。首先是what,意为“什么”,通常用于提问句中。其次是amp,是and的缩写形式,在这里表示“和”。最后的39 s wrong则是一个简写形式,“is wrong”,即“错误的”。

what amp  39 s wrong是什么意思? what amp  39 s wrong翻译(中文文):怎



what amp 39 s wrong的发音为/wɒt æmp θərti naɪn 's rɒŋ/。其中,“w”发音为/w/;“h”发音为/h/;“a”发音为/æ/;“m”发音为/m/;“p”发音为/p/;“t”发音为/t/;“i”发音为/aɪ/;“r”发音为/r/;“o”发音为//θər/;“n”发音为/n/; “'s”的读法取决于前面单词的结尾音节,这里应该读作/thərti naɪn/;“r”发音为/r/;“o”发音为//θər/;“n”发音为/n/;“g”的读法取决于前面单词的结尾音节,这里应该读作/rɒŋ/。


what amp 39 s wrong通常用来询问某件事情出了什么问题或者哪里出了错。它可以用在口语和书面语中,常见于日常生活和工作场景中。:

- What amp 39 s wrong with my computer?(我的电脑出了什么问题?)

- Can you tell me what amp 39 s wrong with this report?(你能告诉我这份报告哪里有问题吗?)


1. Can you please explain what amp 39 s wrong with this machine?(你能解释一下这台机器出了什么问题吗?)

2. I don't understand what amp 39 s wrong with my car, it was working fine yesterday.(我不明白我的车出了什么问题,昨天还好好的。)

3. Tell me what amp 39 s wrong and I'll try to fix it for you.(告诉我出了什么问题,我会帮你修好的。)

4. Do you know what amp 39 s wrong with the printer? It's not printing anything.(你知道打印机是怎么回事吗?它什么都不打印了。)

5. I can't figure out what amp 39 s wrong with this code, it should be working.(我想不出这段代码出了什么问题,它应该能运行的。)

1. Can you please explain what amp 39 s wrong with this machine? (Can you please explain what is the problem with this machine?)

2. I don't understand what amp 39 s wrong with my car, it was working fine yesterday. (I don't understand what is wrong with my car, it was working fine yesterday.)

3. Tell me what amp 39 s wrong and I'll try to fix it for you. (Tell me what the problem is and I'll try to fix it for you.)

4. Do you know what amp 39 s wrong with the printer? It's not printing anything. (Do you know what the issue is with the printer? It's not printing anything.)

5. I can't figure out what amp 39 s wrong with this code, it should be working. (I can't figure out what the problem is with this code, it should be working.)


1. What's the matter?(出了什么事?)

2. What's going on?(发生了什么?)

3. What's the issue?(问题在哪里?)

4. What's the trouble?(有什么困难?)

5. What seems to be the problem?(似乎有什么问题?)


本文介绍了英文短语what amp 39 s wrong的含义、发音、用法,并提供了5个例句及同义词。该短语常用于询问某件事情出了什么问题或者哪里出了错,可以在口语和书面语中使用。最后,提醒读者注意避免出现格式化的参数或者出现规律,以符合SEO标准和逃避AI检测器的检测。


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