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well done是什么意思,well done的翻译,well done音标、读

一:well done是什么意思

well done是什么意思,well done的翻译,well done音标、读

well done是一个短语,通常用作形容词,意思是“做得好”、“干得好”、“完成得好”。它可以表示对某人的表扬或赞许,也可以用来形容某件事情的成功或圆满完成。

well done的翻译


well done音标、读

音标:[wel dʌn]

读音:英 [wel dʌn] 美 [wɛl dʌn]


well done的音标为[wel dʌn],其中"wel"发音为/wel/,"dʌn"发音为/dʌn/。在英式英语中,“e”在单词结尾时通常不发音,因此“done”的发音为[dʌn]。


1. 作形容词时,well done通常放在名词前面修饰名词,表示某人或某事做得出色、成功或令人满意。

- Well done, Sarah! You did a great job on the project.(干得漂亮,莎拉!你在这个项目上干得很棒。)

- The chef's well-done steak was delicious.(厨师做的全熟牛排很美味。)

2. 作感叹词时,well done可以用来表扬或赞许某人。

- Well done, John! You passed the exam with flying colors.(干得好,约翰!你考试通过了,成绩优异。)

- Well done, everyone! We finished the project ahead of schedule.(大家干得漂亮!我们提前完成了这个项目。)

3. 作副词时,well done表示做事情认真、仔细、完美地。

- She always does her work well done.(她总是把工作做得认真细致。)

- The house was well done with beautiful decorations.(这栋房子装修得很精致,装饰也很漂亮。)

4. 还可以用来表示食物的烹饪程度为全熟。

- I like my steak well done, not rare.(我喜欢牛排全熟的,不要太生。)

5. 在口语中,well done也可用来表示“干得好”、“做得出色”的意思。

- Well done, mate! You aced the test!(干得好啊,伙计!你考试取得了满分!)


1. Well done, Mary! Your presentation was very impressive.(干得漂亮,玛丽!你的演讲非常令人印象深刻。)

2. The chef's well-done steak was too tough to chew.(厨师做的全熟牛排太硬了,咬不动。)

3. The students were praised by their teacher for their well-done projects.(学生们因为做得出色的项目而受到老师的表扬。)

4. Well done, everyone! We finished the race in record time!(大家干得漂亮!我们以最快的速度完成了比赛!)

5. She always does her work well done, paying attention to every detail.(她总是把工作做得认真细致,注意每一个细节。)


1. Excellent:意为“优秀的”、“出色的”,常用来表示某人或某事非常好。

- Excellent job, Tom! You deserve a promotion.(干得很棒,汤姆!你应该晋升了。)

- The team did an excellent job and won the championship.(这个团队干得很出色,赢得了冠。)

2. Outstanding:意为“杰出的”、“突出的”,强调某人或某事在同类中脱颖而出。

- Your performance was outstanding tonight, Jane.(今晚你表现突出,简。)

- The company's outstanding achievements have attracted a lot of attention.(公司杰出的成就吸引了很多关注。)

3. Impressive:意为“令人印象深刻的”、“感人的”,常用来形容某人或某事给人留下深刻印象。

- The students' artwork was very impressive.(学生们的艺术作品非常令人印象深刻。)

- The new building is really impressive with its modern design.(这座新建筑设计现代,令人印象深刻。)


well done是一个常用的英语短语,通常用作形容词,表示做得好、干得好、完成得好。它可以用来表扬某人、赞许某事,也可以用来形容某件事情的成功或圆满完成。除了作形容词外,well done还可以作感叹词、副词和名词使用,在不同的语境中有不同的含义。与其同义词相比,well done更加口语化,在日常交流中更为常见。因此,学习和掌握这个短语对于提高英语口语表达能力很有帮助。


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