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1. spotlight是什么意思?


2. spotlight是什么意思?


3. spotlight是什么意思?


例句1:The singer stood in the spotlight, her voice echoing through the concert hall. (歌手站在聚光灯下,她的歌声在音乐厅中回响。)

例句2:The politician was in the spotlight for his controversial remarks. (这位家因其具有争议性的言论而备受关注。)

例句3:The actor's performance was flawless under the bright spotlight. (演员在明亮的聚光灯下表现得无懈可击。)

例句4:The dancers moved gracefully in and out of the spotlight. (舞者们在聚光灯的照耀下优雅地进出。)

例句5:The spotlight shifted to the new product launch, drawing the audience's attention. (聚光灯转移到新产品发布会上,吸引了观众的注意力。)

4. spotlight是什么意思?


例句1:The young actress has been in the spotlight since her breakout role in the blockbuster movie. (自从在大片中崭露头角以来,这位年轻女演员就备受关注。)

例句2:The company's CEO was thrust into the spotlight after a successful IPO. (公司的CEO在成功上市后备受瞩目。)

例句3:The scandal put the government under a harsh spotlight. (丑闻让备受严厉批评。)

例句4:The athlete's impressive performance put him in the international spotlight. (运动员出色的表现让他成为国际舞台上的焦点。)

例句5:The new policy has been in the media spotlight for weeks now. (这项新已经连续几周处于媒体关注的焦点。)

5. spotlight是什么意思?


例句1:under the spotlight (备受关注的状态)。:The athlete crumbled under the spotlight and failed to perform well. (运动员在备受关注的情况下崩溃了,表现不佳。)

例句2:steal the spotlight (抢尽风头)。:The new product launch stole the spotlight from its compes. (新产品发布抢走了竞争对手的风头。)

例句3:in the spotlight (备受关注或突出展示)。:The actress has been in the spotlight since her Oscar nomination. (自从被提名奥斯卡以来,这位女演员就一直备受关注。)

例句4:spotlight event (焦点活动)。:The charity gala was a major spotlight event for the organization. (慈善晚会是该组织的一次重要焦点活动。)

例句5:spotlight on (聚焦于)。:The media has put a spotlight on the issue of climate change. (媒体将目光聚焦在气候变化问题上。)



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