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watch翻译(中文文):注视, 注意, 手表 hellip

一:watch翻译(中文文):注视, 注意, 手表 hellip 的意思

1. 注视:指用眼睛专心地看着某物。

watch翻译(中文文):注视, 注意, 手表 hellip

2. 注意:指留心、关心或注意某事物。

3. 手表:是一种可以戴在手腕上,用来显示时间的小型装置。


watch [wɒtʃ]


1. 注视:

(1) watch sb./sth.: 注视某人/某物

(2) watch out: 小心、留神

(3) watch for: 密切注意、等待

(4) keep watch: 保持惕、守卫

2. 注意:

(1) pay attention to sb./sth.: 关注某人/某物

(2) take notice of sb./sth.: 注意到某人/某物

(3) call attention to sth.: 引起对某事的注意

3. 手表:

(1) wear a watch: 戴手表

(2) set one's watch: 调整手表时间

(3) check the time on one's watch: 查看手表时间


1. She watched the sunset over the horizon with a sense of peace and contentment. 她注视着太阳落下的地平线,感到平静和满足。

2. Please watch out for any suspicious activities in the neighborhood and report them to the police. 请留心附近是否有可疑活动,并向报告。

3. I'm watching for the delivery truck to arrive. 我在等待送货卡车的到来。

4. The teacher asked the students to keep watch while she went to get some supplies. 老师让学生们在她去取一些物品时保持惕。

5. He always pays attention to details, which is why he is such a successful businessman. 他总是注意细节,这也是他成为成功商人的原因。


1. 注视:stare, gaze, peer, scrutinize

2. 注意:heed, mind, observe, regard

3. 手表:timepiece, chronometer




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