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1. stairs是什么意思?


2. stairs是什么意思?读音读法


3. stairs是什么意思?用例

1) The old man slowly climbed up the stairs with the help of his cane.


2) The fire escape stairs were blocked, so they had to find another way out.


3) The hotel has an elevator and a set of spiral stairs for guests to use.


4) She tripped and fell down the stairs, bruising her knee.


5) The children were playing on the stairs, but their mother scolded them and told them to be careful.


4. stairs是什么意思?组词

- upstairs (向楼上)

- staircase (楼梯)

- stairway (楼梯)

- stairwell (楼梯间)

- stair-step (阶梯状的)

- stairmaster (健身器材,模拟爬楼梯运动)

5. stairs是什么意思?的中英文对照

stairs - 楼梯

upstairs - 楼上

staircase - 楼梯

stairway - 楼梯

stairwell - 楼梯间

stair-step - 阶梯状的

stairmaster - 健身器材,模拟爬楼梯运动



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