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wait and see是什么意思,wait and see的解释 - 英汉

wait and see是一个常用的英语短语,意为“等待并观望”。它通常用来表示在某种情况下采取行动之前的不确定性和谨慎态度。这个短语可以用作动词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。


wait [weɪt]

wait and see是什么意思,wait and see的解释 - 英汉

and [ænd]

see [siː]


wait and see作为动词短语时,常用于句子中的谓语动词,表示“等待并观望”的意思。它可以用来表达对某种情况的不确定性和谨慎态度,也可以表示对未来发展的期待。:“Let's wait and see what happens next.”(让我们等待并观望接下来会发生什么。)

wait and see作为名词短语时,通常指一种谨慎的态度或策略。:“I think we should adopt a wait-and-see approach before making any decisions.”(我认为在做出任何决定之前我们应该采取一种等待观望的策略。)


1. He didn't want to rush into anything, so he decided to wait and see.


2. The company is facing some financial difficulties, but we'll have to wait and see how they handle it.


3. The new product launch was delayed, so we'll just have to wait and see when it will be available.


4. The government has announced a new policy, but many people are adopting a wait-and-see attitude before deciding whether to support it or not.


5. The team's performance has been inconsistent this season, so the coach is taking a wait-and-see approach before making any changes.



1. Hold off:也可以表示“等待并观望”的意思。:“We should hold off on making any decisions until we have more information.”(在我们获得更多信息之前,我们应该先等待观望再做决定。)

2. Take a wait-and-see approach:与wait and see作为名词短语时的用法相同。:“The company's executives have decided to take a wait-and-see approach before announcing any changes in their strategy.”(公司高管们决定在宣布任何战略变化之前先采取一种等待观望的策略。)

3. Watch and wait:也可以表示“等待并观望”的意思,常用于医学领域,指暂时不做任何治疗,而是继续观察病情的发展。:“The doctor advised the patient to watch and wait before deciding on any treatment options.”(医生建议病人先观察病情再决定治疗方案。)


wait and see是一个常用的英语短语,意为“等待并观望”。它可以作为动词短语和名词短语使用,在句子中常用作谓语动词,表示对未来发展的期待或对某种情况的不确定性和谨慎态度。同义词包括hold off、take a wait-and-see approach和watch and wait。在使用时要注意上下文,避免过度使用以免影响表达清晰度。


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