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1. Slay是一个动词,意为“杀死”、“消灭”、“战胜”。它可以指在战争中杀死敌人,也可以指在日常生活中消除障碍或克服困难。正确使用slay需要根据具体语境来理解其含义。

2. Slay的读音为/sleɪ/,重音落在第一个音节上。它的发音与单词“play”相似,只是首字母不同。

3. 用例:

- The knight slayed the dragon and saved the princess. (骑士杀死了龙并拯救了公主。)

- The company is determined to slay its compes and become the industry leader. (这家公司决心要击败竞争对手,成为行业领先者。)

- She slayed her performance at the talent show and won first place. (她在才艺表演中表现出色,获得了第一名。)

- The team was able to slay their fears and successfully complete the challenge. (团队成功地克服了恐惧,并顺利完成了挑战。)

- He used his wit to slay his opponent in the debate competition. (他运用智慧在辩论比赛中击败了对手。)

4. 组词:

- Slayer (n.) 杀手、屠夫

- Slaying (n.) 杀戮、

- Slayable (adj.) 可以死的、可以被战胜的

- Slayingly (adv.) 残忍地、无情地

5. 中英文对照:

- slay - 杀死、消灭

- knight - 骑士

- dragon - 龙

- princess - 公主

- company - 公司

- determined - 决心的

- compe - 竞争对手

- industry leader - 行业领先者

- performance - 表现

- talent show - 才艺表演

- fear - 恐惧

- successfully - 成功地

- complete - 完成

- challenge - 挑战

- wit - 智慧

- opponent - 对手

- debate competition 辩论比赛



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