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volatile什么意思? volatile翻译(中文文):飞行的, 挥发

一:volatile什么意思? volatile翻译(中文文):飞行的, 挥发的意思。




1. The chemical is highly volatile and should be handled with caution. 这种化学品非常易挥发,应该小心处理。

volatile什么意思? volatile翻译(中文文):飞行的, 挥发

2. Her mood was volatile, one moment she was happy and the next she was angry. 她的情绪很不稳定,一会儿高兴一会儿生气。

3. The stock market can be quite volatile, so it's important to do thorough research before investing. 股市可能会非常波动,因此在投资之前做好充分的调查很重要。

4. The political situation in the country is very volatile at the moment. 目前这个的局势非常动荡。

5. Perfumes are made from a mixture of volatile oils and alcohol. 香水是由挥发油和酒精混合制成的。


1. Evaporative: 形容物质在常温下能够蒸发的特性,与volatile类似。:“The hot sun caused the water on the ground to evaporate quickly.” (炎热的太阳使得地上的水迅速蒸发。)

2. Unstable: 形容人或情况不稳定,易变化,与volatile含义相近。:“The political situation in the region is unstable and could change at any moment.” (该地区的局势不稳定,随时可能发生变化。)

3. Fickle: 形容人善变、易受影响,与volatile含义类似。:“She's so fickle, she changes her mind every five minutes.” (她太善变了,每五分钟就改变主意。)

4. Unpredictable: 形容情况或人无法预测、不可预见,与volatile意思相近。:“The weather in this city is very unpredictable, it can change from sunny to rainy in a matter of minutes.” (这个城市的天气非常难以预测,几分钟内就可能从晴天变成雨天。)




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