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vice versa什么意思? vice versa翻译(中文文):反之亦然

怎么读(音标):[ˌvaɪs ˈvɜːrsə]

vice versa什么意思? vice versa翻译(中文文):反之亦然

用法:vice versa是拉丁语短语,意为“反之亦然”。常用来表示两者之间的相互关系,指当一个情况成立时,另一个情况也同样成立。


1. You can either work hard and succeed, or vice versa, you can be lazy and fail. 你可以努力工作并获得成功,或者反之亦然,你可以懒惰而失败。

2. I thought he was a good friend, but vice versa, he betrayed me when I needed him the most. 我以为他是个好朋友,但事实上反之亦然,在我最需要他的时候他背叛了我。

3. The company has been struggling financially for years, and vice versa, its compes have been thriving. 这家公司多年来一直在财务上苦苦挣扎,而其竞争对手则相反地蓬勃发展。

4. Some people believe that money brings happiness, but vice versa, others argue that it doesn't guarantee happiness at all. 有些人认为金钱带来幸福,但反之亦然,其他人则认为金钱根本不能保证幸福。

5. He said he didn't trust her anymore, and vice versa, she also had doubts about him. 他说他不再信任她了,反之亦然,她也对他产生了怀疑。


1. Conversely:同样表示“反之亦然”的意思,常用来连接两个相反的观点或情况。

例句:I thought she was a terrible singer, but conversely, the judges were impressed by her performance. 我以为她是个糟糕的歌手,但相反地,评委们对她的表现印象深刻。

2. On the other hand:也可以表示“反之亦然”的意思,指另一种相反的情况或观点。

例句:Some people believe that social media brings people closer, but on the other hand, it can also create distance between them. 有些人认为社交媒体让人们更加亲近,但从另一方面来说,它也会造成人与人之间的距离。

3. Conversely speaking:同样表示“反之亦然”的意思,常用来引出一个相反的观点或情况。

例句:She can be really sweet sometimes, but conversely speaking, she can also be very mean when she's in a bad mood. 她有时候可以很温柔,但从另一个角度来说,当她心情不好时也可以很刻薄。


Vice versa是一个常用的拉丁语短语,在英语中也广泛使用。它常用来表示两者之间的相互关系,指当一个情况成立时,另一个情况也同样成立。除了常见的用法外,还可以通过一些同义词来表达相同的意思。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式,丰富文章的表达方式。


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