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very good是什么意思


very good是什么意思

怎么读:[ˈveri ɡʊd]


例句1:This book is very good, I highly recommend it to everyone.(这本书非常好,我强烈推荐给大家。)

例句2:The weather today is very good, let's go for a picnic.(今天的天气非常好,我们去野餐吧。)

例句3:I had a very good time at the party last night.(昨晚的派对我玩得很开心。)

例句4:The food at this restaurant is always very good.(这家餐厅的食物总是很棒。)

例句5:She speaks English very well, she must have studied it for a long time.(她英语说得很好,肯定学习了很长时间。)


1. excellent(优秀的)- 指出色、卓越,比very good程度更高。

例句:Your performance in the play was excellent.(你在剧中表现出色。)

2. great(伟大的)- 指超出平凡、令人敬佩、令人满意。

例句:We had a great time on our vacation.(我们度假玩得很开心。)

3. fantastic(极好的)- 指令人惊叹、极为出色。

例句:The view from the of the mountain was fantastic.(山顶的景色令人惊叹。)

4. superb(极好的)- 指非常出色、精彩。

例句:The performance of the actors was superb.(演员们的表演非常精彩。)

5. marvelous(了不起的)- 指令人赞叹、令人惊奇。

例句:The magician's tricks were marvelous.(魔术师的魔术令人惊奇。)


“very good”是一种常用于表达赞美和满意的词语,可以用来形容各种事物和人,程度较高且含义积极向上。除了以上提到的同义词,也可以根据具体情况使用其他近义词如outstanding、splendid等。在写作中,可以多运用这些词语来表达自己对事物或人的赞美和肯定,使文章更加生动有力。


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