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1.start是指开始、启动的意思。:Let's start the meeting now.(让我们现在开始吧。)

2.start也可以表示创办、成立。:He started his own business last year.(他去年创办了自己的生意。)

3.start还可以表示出发、动身。:We will start for Beijing tomorrow.(我们明天将动身去北京。)

4.start也可以表示开端、起点。:This is just the start of our friendship.(这只是我们友谊的开始。)

5.start还可以作为名词,表示起步、开端的行为或过程。:The start of the race was delayed due to bad weather.(由于天气不好,比赛的开始被推迟了。)


Start的读音为 /stɑːrt/,重音在第一个音节上。


1. The train will start in five minutes, please hurry up.


2. She started playing the piano at the age of five.


3. The company started as a small family business and has now become a multinational corporation.


4. We should start looking for a new apartment before our lease expires.


5. The start of the movie was delayed due to technical difficulties.



1. start off (动词短语):开始、出发、启程

例句:We'll start off early tomorrow morning.(明天早上我们会早点出发。)

2. fresh start (名词短语):新的开始

例句:I'm looking forward to a fresh start in my new job.(我期待在新工作中有一个新的开始。)

3. startup (名词):创业公司、初创企业

例句:The city has become a hub for tech startups in recent years.(这个城市近年来已经成为科技初创公司的中心。)

4. starter (名词):起始者、开端者

例句:She is the starter of this project and deserves all the credit.(她是这个项目的发起人,应该得到所有的赞誉。)

5. restart (动词):重新开始、重启动

例句:Please restart your computer to finish the installation process.(请重启电脑来完成安装过程。)







1. start (n.): the beginning or first part of something

2. start (v.): to begin or cause something to begin

3. start (v.): to leave a place and begin a journey

4. start (n.): the point at which something begins

5. start (n.): the act of beginning or starting something


1.start是指开始、启动的意思。:Let's start the meeting now.

2.start也可以表示创办、成立。:He started his own business last year.

3.start还可以表示出发、动身。:We will start for Beijing tomorrow.

4.start也可以表示开端、起点。:This is just the start of our friendship.

5.start还可以作为名词,表示起步、开端的行为或过程。:The start of the race was delayed due to bad weather.



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