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1. stages是指一系列的阶段或过程,通常是按照时间顺序排列的。:The project will be completed in three stages.(这个项目将分为三个阶段完成。)

2. stages也可以表示舞台或剧院的表演区域。:The actors were standing on the stage waiting for their cue.(演员们站在舞台上等待他们的提示。)

3. 在生物学中,stages可以指生物发展过程中的不同阶段,如幼年期、成年期等。:The butterfly goes through four stages of development before it becomes an adult.(蝴蝶在成为成年蝴蝶之前会经历四个发育阶段。)

4. stages也可以指比赛或比赛中的不同阶段,如足球比赛中的上半场和下半场。:The final stage of the race was the most exciting to watch.(比赛最后一个阶段最令人兴奋。)

5. 在医学领域,stages也可以指疾病发展过程中的不同阶段。:Cancer is often diagnosed in its early stages, when it is easier to treat.(癌症通常在早期被诊断出来时更容易治疗。)




1. The project will be divided into three stages, with each stage focusing on a different aspect of the problem.


2. The play is currently in its final stages of rehearsals and will open next week.


3. The disease is usually diagnosed in its early stages, when it is most treatable.


4. The marathon has different stages, including a 10k run and a half marathon.


5. The company is currently in the growth stage, with plans to expand into international markets next year.



1. early stages (早期阶段)

2. advanced stages (晚期阶段)

3. developmental stages (发展阶段)

4. healing stages (康复阶段)

5. initial stages (初始阶段)


1. The project will be completed in three stages.(这个项目将分为三个阶段完成。)

2. The actors were standing on the stage waiting for their cue.(演员们站在舞台上等待他们的提示。)

3. The butterfly goes through four stages of development before it becomes an adult.(蝴蝶在成为成年蝴蝶之前会经历四个发育阶段。)

4. The final stage of the race was the most exciting to watch.(比赛最后一个阶段最令人兴奋。)

5. Cancer is often diagnosed in its early stages, when it is easier to treat.(癌症通常在早期被诊断出来时更容易治疗。)

1. 这个项目将分为三个阶段完成。

2. 演员们站在舞台上等待他们的提示。

3. 蝴蝶在成为成年蝴蝶之前会经历四个发育阶段。

4. 比赛最后一个阶段最令人兴奋。

5. 癌症通常在早期被诊断出来时更容易治疗。







1. Stages refer to a series of phases or processes, usually arranged in chronological order.

2. Stages can also refer to the performance area of a stage or theater.

3. In biology, stages can refer to different developmental stages of living organisms.

4. Stages can also refer to different phases of a competition or match.

5. In the medical field, stages can also refer to different phases of disease progression.


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