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useless是什么意思? useless翻译(中文文):无用的, 无效

怎么读(音标): [ˈjuːsləs]

useless是什么意思? useless翻译(中文文):无用的, 无效

用法: 作为形容词,用来形容某物或某人没有任何用处或价值,无法起到实际作用。可以修饰名词,也可以作为表语使用。


1. This old computer is useless. 这台旧电脑已经没什么用了。

2. Don't waste your time on useless things. 不要把时间浪费在无用的事情上。

3. The instructions were useless, so I had to figure it out on my own. 这些说明毫无用处,所以我只能自己摸索。

4. The new manager was useless, and the company's performance declined rapidly. 新经理一点也不管事,公司的业绩迅速下滑。

5. I feel so useless when I can't help my friends in need. 当我无法帮助需要帮助的朋友时,我感到很无力。


1. worthless: 同样表示没有价值或作用的意思,但更强调对比而言的缺乏价值。:This ring is worthless compared to the one you lost.

2. futile: 强调做某事是徒劳无功的。:His efforts to change her mind were futile.

3. ineffective: 指某物或某人没有产生预期效果。:The medicine was ineffective in treating her illness.

4. pointless: 表示某事没有任何意义或目的。:It's pointless to argue with her, she never listens.

5. fruitless: 指某事没有带来任何结果或成果。:Their search for the missing child was fruitless.




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